The latest Official Gazette publications have introduced several tax reforms affecting Value Added Tax (VAT) and Excise Duties (IIEE), particularly as they directly affect the management of fuels, diesel and biofuels.


Electronic Cigarette Tax

In recent days, the Spanish Official Gazette has published several tax reforms introducing new taxes, among them the creation of the Tax on Liquids for Electronic Cigarettes and Tobacco-Related Products.


EU-Kenya Trade Agreement

On July 1, 2024, the new Trade Agreement between the European Union and Kenya came into force. The primary objective of this Agreement is to support the African state’s integration into the global economy through trade liberalization, promoting sustainable development, and contributing to the eradication of poverty.


Starting next July 4, Chinese electric cars introduced into the EU will be subject to a provisional tariff of up to 38.1% of the value of the car.
