Customs and International Trade

Legal services

  • Tax procedures on data verification, tax and customs audits
  • Arguing appeals before national and EU bodies and courts for issues arising from customs debt
  • Claims for undue income for customs duties paid in excess
  • Audits on origin, at the request of foreign authorities
  • Design and submission of binding rulings related to tax structures and rates, customs and tax regimes, tariff classification and origin
  • Handling both sales and services contracts, from a national and international perspective

Risk management

  • Design and calculation of customs guarantee (global or for each transaction)
  • Preventive audits of import and export transactions (and their related documentation)
  • Diagnosis of compliance in customs regimes and special destinations
  • Identification of risks and key controls in the import and export processes
  • Design and implementation of customs and tax procedures, aligned with both best practices and domestic and international regulations
  • Compliance with regulations on labelling and other non-tariff measures
  • Traceability reviews of foreign trade transactions as from import export files and registries
  • Reconciliation of customs declarations with accounting records and with other operational areas of the company

Certifications and Authorizations

  • Certification of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)
  • Identification, management and maintenance of commercial, sanitary, phytosanitary, defence material and dual-use technologies licenses
  • Certificates of origin (preferential and non-preferential)
  • Certification of origin through REX system
  • Granting and maintenance of the following customs authorizations:
    • Simplified procedure
    • Centralized Customs Clearance
    • Single authorization
    • Provisional customs values
    • Self-assessment
  • Granting and maintenance of the following customs regimes:
    • Temporary storage
    • Specific use: temporary admission and end-use
    • Customs and VAT warehouses
    • Inward processing
    • Outward processing
    • Common and Union transit
    • Specific regimes in the Canary Islands
  • Granting of CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) Certificate
  • Reassessment of customs authorizations, certifications and customs guarantees

Analytical and Strategic consulting

  • Redesign (optimization) of the international supply chain
  • Advantages of Free Trade Agreements
  • Analysis of rules and criteria for tariff classification of goods
  • Enhancement of product and logistics in international markets
  • Customs valuation of goods and services
  • Customs value and adjustment of customs value under the framework of transfer pricing policies
  • IT traceability of foreign trade transactions
  • Antidumping duties
  • Incoterms
  • Duties and other import taxes in the Canary Islands
  • Analysis of CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) measures